
02 March 2016

Review: Rez Abbasi and Invocation at the Bride

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If music can be called “suspenseful,” there was something about the music that Rez Abbasi premiered at the Painted Bride on Saturday that held as much edge-of-your-seat tension as the best film thrillers. In part that could be chalked up to the fact that his stellar band, Invocation, was performing new, incredibly complex music for the first time. But more often the sensation came from the same place all great suspense comes from: daring risk-taking coupled with sheer unpredictability.

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Rez Abbasi-Django-shift
Anniversary Song // Rez Abbasi - Django-shift
  1. Anniversary Song // Rez Abbasi - Django-shift
  2. Swing 42 // Rez Abbasi - Django-shift